DEGA Partners lawyers have comprehensively defended the interests of the right holder of TM MIELEin the framework of criminal proceedings against the owner and all persons involved in the activities of the online store, which was engaged in the sale of illegally imported MIELE products.
By the verdicts of the Solomyansky district court of Kyiv, all those involved in the activities of the web resource were found guilty of committing a crime under Article 229 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal use of TM). Damage to the MIELE brand has been reimbursed in full.
The court rulings on sellers of “gray” imports on the Internet have become a new page in the application of Article 229 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in the fight against brands against the spread of “gray” imports in Ukraine.
Congratulations on your victory and thank you to the DEGA Partners team for their principled and responsible struggle.