Copyright protection in the digital age. Note to site owners!

What to do if your content, product or product is used by other sites on the Internet? The DMCA Directive helps protect your business from digital theft of copyrighted content or copying and illegal use of your brand attributes (such as logos, copyrighted images and texts).

What is DMCA?

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act that defines the mechanisms for protecting copyright from illegal use on the Internet.

One of the most popular Google search engines in the world is in the US legal field.

The legal basis for the copyright protection mechanisms provided by Google is the DMCA.

In order to comply with the requirements of the DMCA, the company has developed and implemented a system of complaints about content that infringes copyright.

Rights’ holders can fill in a complaint in writing through a special Google complaint form.

The recommended form of complaint must comply with the provisions of paragraph 512 of the DMCA, in particular:

  • works for which copyright is infringed;
  • links to pages where content has been used illegally;
  • Search queries that link Google to these pages, as well as the URLs of such pages in search results.
  • contact details to contact the copyright holder;
  • confirmation of the good faith of the application (complaint);
  • etc.

Upon receipt of a properly completed complaint, Google’s search engine blocks access to the infringer’s website pages.

Internet resources that illegally use the author’s content need to understand the consequences of the DMCA complaint – the site page will be removed from the index or from Google search within a day, after confirming the illegal placement (use) of content.

Instead of requested page, you will be informed that access has been blocked due to copyright infringement.

Restrictions on access to materials, removal from the index or service of the Google search engine, immediately notified the owner of the site, who illegally used the content of the author.

In view of the above, in order to avoid complete or partial blocking of work, site owners and administrations are recommended to check in detail the information that fills the resource content.

Also, the owners of works to use exhaustive legal mechanisms to stop the illegal use of copyright and related rights, including by filing a DMCA complaint with Google.